Chat Room

Wednesday 25 April 2007

The beauty of life....

It's so beautiful to live when u can breath free, when u can do wherever u wish and nobody and nothing can stop u. U get some drops of this freedom... Couple months ago i felt as if my mind was going to blow! Too much stress at work, my boss all the time was bathering me, some troubles in relationships at work, not satisfied salary and office is very far away from home. So it made me down and depressed. I noticed that sometimes after work I wanted to drink couple cocktails. It's seems to me I was smoking non-stop. I opened the eyes in the morning and was realizing how much I don't want to go to work Until once I decided (and realized) I'M A FREE PERSON. I think it's Leonora Ruzvelt said "Nobody will disrespect u if u'll let him to do that". So I decided to change the job, and as soon as I said it to myself - I could breath free. I saw that the spring already came, that the trees already green. My God, being depressed I couldn't even notice that! And in spite I still work in the same place (up to 05/30/07) my eyes has been opened. Now I'm not afraid not to get the job. I'm free, free from fairs, I believe the God will give me the chance and opportunity to come in right time, in right place and to right people. That's it. U should never be tolerant if u understand objective reasons of ur bad mood and unsatisfaction. It concerns everything, not only job. To live free all the time we have to risk. So just do it to become happy.
I'm free. I'm happy...

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