Chat Room

Sunday, 8 July 2007

New Life

I wrote already about some troubles at my work. So today I decided to exactly - I'm gonna leave my job, which stopped satisfy me long ago. Looking one year back, when I just started to work in that company - all this year was full of some troubles - with job itself (but it's normal), with relations with main accouter, who never wanted to show me something or "teach" anything, some kind of competition from her side, though she was 10 years experienced and me - just 1/2 year; after she left the job and I stayed alone in accounting department - troubles with boss, who at the beginning asked me to stay and promised any information help from his side and after i stayed cuz nobody would work he got so angry all the time when I pushed him to tell me the information necessary for my work. Somehow it happened that he did something and I was the last one who know that and I had to think how to make nice3 everything by documents. Well, all that troubles gonna be behind me just in 10 days. But when u get use to something - it doesn't matter what: ur wife, pets, friend or job - quitting is always hurtful. I liked my colleagues and boss sometimes was also not bad. But being hesitating all the time I just got tired. Actually i didn't find another job yet, cuz i really dream only about one thing - not to go to work there. And here's some feeling as freedom and the beginning of new life. I don't know how soon I'll get another job, i don't care about time, I'm sure just in one thing - it's gonna be very good place with good salary. So I just regret about one thing - that i didn't do that before. I don't have fears about future and it help me to feel confidant.


Anonymous said...

i hope everything works out fine for you.. i wish you good luck ;-)

Anonymous said...

А ты уверена в том, что пишешь? Или самоуверена?

Anastasiya said...

to anonymous
actually i didn't get what u mean - am i sure or self-confident? What about?

Rena Gusniawati said...
