Hooo... At last this hot working week finished. Before my vacation my boss decided to kill me with quantity of work. And today, the day of leaving, my mind hardly realize what it suppose to think about - still think about what job I left at work and how they gonna work without me ) Only after we left the car at parking and where walking home with husband I felt some kind of the beginning of my vacation. So now I have just 4 hours to fix myself and pack my bags. So in 4 hours I call for taxi and go to railway station up to Moscow, and tomorrow 3pm we have flight. So guys I'm gonna miss my blog and my readers, but I'll be back soon and promise to share all my emotions about Egypt ) I'm short of time!!!! Buy-buy! :-)
Friday, 15 June 2007
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Thursday, 14 June 2007
Perfect partner
I always preferred men much older than me... And I think I'm not the only girl who think this way. First of all my dad is 7 years older my mom, and watching there relationship I wanted to have the same in my future family. Secondly I got used to my dad care that hardly could imagine another treatment to me from guys.
So when I was 14 years old I was so much complexed that I haven't kissed with a guy serious way yet :) And I considered that my first kiss I could present just to a guy who will not ashame me somehow cuz I didn't know how to do that. So for that process I chose a guy who was 5 years older than me. At that age it big difference, u know. Of cause I liked him a lot at that time, but today I realize that it's not even my first love. But for "first kiss" I chose right person cuz he was life experienced enough and also so far away from talks behind my back and all this teens shit.
When I was 19 years old a serious happened to me, but this time a men was 35 years old. I loved when other people payed attention to us seeing this age difference. After that I had many friends and admires (guys) who where minimum 10 years older than me and I loved being in there company cuz usually they reminded me my father's treatment. But after all I started realizing, that all that men in spite of there status and money, experience and treatment, don't have something that have younger guys - some kind of "life energy". They chained to me and where living by me. At the beginning all this luxury and outstanding our friendship was interesting for me, but I started getting tired. When I saw another couples who where the same age with each other the way they smiled and spend time, they loved the same music and had the same interests, they lived active sport life but not spending all the time eating in a restaurant even in a good one - I just woke up. So now I know one thing - relationship (i'm not talking about if u'r married already!!! just relations - close friends, admires, lovers) with a man who much older than u (more than 10 years) are good just for experience but not worth spending ur time for a long.
Now I'm much happy with my husband who is just 8 years older than me - but in spite of that we look at the same direction in everything (almost everything) :-)
p.s. and this respectful treatment, full of love and care, which many girls dream about, depends not on age, but person himself.
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Monday, 11 June 2007
Perfect day scheduling
I think everyone sometimes dreams. Everyone wish to be surrounded with luxury without paying for it with loosing health and friends, getting stress and loneliness. But yesterday while doing manicure in the evening (it's Sunday and I always do all these "girls things" Sunday evening for following week) I's dreaming about perfect
scheduling for myself. So here it is:5 am -5.30 am: to wake up from hands masseur who'd have the key from my apartment and who opens the door himself and early in the morning would come to wake me up. It's so beautiful to wake up like that!
5.30 - 6.00 am: fresh morning coffee and leaving apartment
6.00 - 7.00 am: visiting swimming pool, morning training in a gym, or morning yoga classes which help u to feel urself the whole day fresh, active and self-confident. It's good to visit group classes which help u not to be lazy, but the group suppose to be from just couple people when u can enjoy company, a little bit atmosphere of competition (but a little bit!) and at the same time space in a room.
7.00 - 7.30 am: light breakfast an a French style - a cup of strong coffee without sugar, a tasteful kruasan with gem, reading a morning newspaper or listening news on TV.
7.30 - 9.00 am: visiting saloon, where anybody will make me hair style and make up. It's so great when anybody work at ur beauty! ) Actually it's hard to fix ur hair by urself. So a professional will do it much better. Also it's one more reason to feel urself in a luxury.
9.00am - 1.00pm: 2.00pm - 5.00pm: working hard, solving problems, meetings with partners, making appointments, preparing documents.
1.00-2.00pm: having dinner in a good restaurant girlfriends, talking about women things and sex, discussing plans for weekend, sharing problems at job, dreaming about vacation together, remembering some diets and receipts, giving advices about shopping and shops addresses, discussing men and flirting with another waiter )
6.00pm - 8.00pm: visiting SPA saloon, where u can stay alone and forget about all stress u had during the day, where all peaces pf ur body relax and enjoy taking care of urself. After have light dinner, or instead of saloon light shopping, or gym, or solarium, meeting with beauty master. So it will depend on my mood.
9.00pm - 10.00pm: romantic evening with my husband - light supper for him (for me just fruit), discussing previous day and sharing problems, making mutual plans for "tomorrow" and of cause - making beautiful love , full of passion and fire. Being honest - I adore him! After we'll get tired after long and deep ) sex - falling asleep...
Oh, that's I dream about. So here I face not only with money problem, but working time of such saloons, gyms, and swimmings.
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Sunday, 10 June 2007
Fashion Night
I was waiting for this weekend so much cuz it's the last one before my leaving for Egypt for vacation. So I was planning to stay home this weekend and to pack my bags. But on Friday my husband brought two invitations for Fashion Party which was promised to be interesting and something unusual for Minsk. The guy who gave us these invitations told us there will be fashion performance with naked girls on stage in a national shoes called "valenki" which usually people wear in a village at winter. But designers styled them somehow. So after work on Friday we went there.
All this meeting was organized in a National Beauty School where models take classes. So my mood was not so good at the beginning: 1) I was confused what to put on (it's fashion party so i had choice - or to feel comfortable or to look good, so i choose something medium); 2) i was tired after work, especially my husband who was driving the whole day and i felt so sorry about him and for my asking him to stay he was refusing cuz he promised me this party; 3) and i knew that we'll be there alone we didn't know anybody there. But we went.
So in general we liked it. There where good looking and glamor people, mostly up to 25-30, girls where different for any taste ) But over there they proposed such a sour champaign which i don't like (i prefer half sweet) and pineapple. The room was too tight for so many people and no conditions!
It's so hot there that people tried to go out all the time. There where so many photographers and journalists, so it's hard to see anything, especially shoes. Not good light performance and too loud music, but as far as we didn't have any plans for evening we didn't regret about coming there. It was going to be disco there but we didn't feel like staying there in that hot room.
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Labels: relax
Saturday, 9 June 2007
Rope course
Couple weeks ago I was at Rope course with colleges from job. Our boss organized that for making more friendly atmosphere in company between workers (though relationships are very good between us anyway). Besides he had a birthday and decided to celebrate it at nature. So it took us 1 day. We met around 9 in the morning up to 6pm. So as soon as we came there we were divided to 2 teams and went to competition. All tasks consisted with rope - to pass it without touching. Rather interesting, and they call it Business training which help to trust ur partner, and develop team mentality. So here'r some photos:
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Thursday, 7 June 2007
Starbucks coffee
One of the things I miss in NY is all this comfortable cafes where u can go in the morning just to take coffee "to go" before work, u can go there at lunch time to have coffee with cake and relax a little bit reading a newspaper or even u can go there in the evening for a date with a girl who u don't know well! And for all this things u can visit the same cafe!What i love also in NY cafe - the opportunity to get coffee in a comfortable cup "to go", even in a car it's easy to drive and drink coffee. Unfortunately in Belarus (where I live) the only place u can buy coffee "to go" it's McDonald's, and it's only 5 of them in Minsk. So going (driving) to work without coffee makes me remind Starbucks.
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Labels: world
Sunday, 3 June 2007
I think that taking a bath is one of the best ways stress after hard working day to go away. It's so pleasant to relax there, with candle light and soap bubbles with a glass of cold juice or champaign or with a cup of coffee with ice cream. Also to turn on a light music in a lounge style. In this case u should do everything to make ur body, mind and soul to relax. Also it's good to use aroma oils.
So run a warm bath and ensure the door and windows are closed. When the tub is sufficiently filled, add up to 10 drops of essential oil to the water, circulating it throughout. As the oil is moved, the scent will rise with the steam of the water.
Now get in, take your time, and enjoy the wonderful aroma while you soak!
Recipe for a Relaxing and Calming Bath:
* 2 drops Lavender
* 2 drops Bergamot
* 2 drops Cedarwood
Recipe to relieve Nervousness:
* 6 drops Geranium
* 4 drops Basil
Recipe for Insomnia:
* 4 drops Chamomile
* 2 drops Lavender
* 2 drops Neroli
* 2 drops Marjoram
Recipe for an Energizing Bath:
* 3 drops Rosemary
* 2 drops Lemon
* 2 drops Frankincense
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Labels: relax
Types of candles
I love candles, as many people i think. I use candles for atmosphere, for sex, for meditation. Every time when I visit this kind of shops I go crazy there - i wish to buy everything there!!! And as far as they are not so cheap, I feel so sorry that can't afford to buy everything I want (everything in a shop!). But I remember one time I was in such a shop and really got confused cuz of such a big variety. So today I decided to public that and may be it'll help anybody in choice in a shop )
Candles come in virtually every shape and size imaginable. The following terms are used to describe common candle styles.TAPER: A slender candle – typically 6 to 18 inches high and sometimes called a dinner candle – designed to be held securely upright by a candle holder.
PILLAR: A free-standingcandle, usually having a diameter of 3 inches or more, and one or more wicks. Despite the name, pillars or column candles can be round, square, hexagonal, etc. Although they stand on their own, they must be burned on a heat-resistant candle holder.
CONTAINER, JAR OR FILLED CANDLE: A candle that is poured when manufactured into a glass, metal or ceramic container specifically designed to hold the wax and withstand the heat of the burning candle.
VOTIVE: A small cylindrical candle, usually about 1½ inches in diameter and 2 or 2½ inches high, designed to be placed in a "cup" or votive holder to hold the liquefied wax that results from burning. Votives were originally produced as white unscented candles for religious ceremonies; they are now available in many colors and scents.GEL CANDLE: A transparent-type candle made primarily from gelled mineral oils or gelled synthetic hydrocarbons. “Soft” or quasi-rigid gels are poured into a container to maintain the candle’s shape. "Hard" gel candles have a consistency suitable for free-standing candles.Decorative wax items are frequently suspended within a gel candle to produce a special visual effect.
TEALIGHT: A small, cylindrical, filled candle -- usually about 1 inch in diameter and 1½ inches high -- often poured into a metal holder.
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Labels: meditation
Yoga meditation guidance was described thousands of years ago by ancient and mystical sages. Since civilized societies began to emerge, meditation has evolved into a structured practice. Although there is not a lot of recorded information dealing with the history of meditation, its roots can be traced back to ancient times.
Some meditation experts suggest thinking of your mind as a glass of muddy water and meditation helps bring clarity. Many forms of meditation result in the clearing of one’s mind. Meditation promotes a sense of calm and heightened awareness. And that’s the real benefit of meditation: teaching your mind to accept whatever thoughts, feelings and sensations come along, without judging them or yourself.
Scientific studies show that the regular practice of meditation can be a powerful healing tool. Meditation helps reduce stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure, and improve concentration, clarity and creativity. Additionally, many studies have shown meditation can significantly lower stress, chronic pain and anxiety.
From the dawn of time, meditation has been a vital part of self transformation and holistic health. Many physicians consider meditation a key element of an integrated health program.
While scientists are studying whether meditation may afford meaningful health benefits, they are also looking at how it may do so. Researchers say that meditation works at least in part by lowering your body’s responsiveness to the stress hormone norepinephrine. But meditation interrupts that flood of stress chemicals, so you don’t feel on guard or tense. As your entire being becomes absorbed in meditation, every stress and strain of daily life will fall from your shoulders. Through meditation, one can cultivate a wonderful inner quiet that will melt away stress and nervousness.
In general, meditation produces a reduction in multiple biological systems, resulting in a state of relaxation. Studies of brain physiology during meditation have most frequently employed the electroencephalograph (EEG) for the measurement of brain wave electrical activity. During meditation, the brain’s activity, as mapped by an EEG, alters significantly. These results reveal that meditation can have a deep and very profound influence on the heart and its activity.
The most well-known brain waves evident during many kinds of meditation are called alpha waves. The scans provide remarkable clues about what goes on in the brain during meditation. Although study results vary, there were similar findings: meditation lowers bodily metabolism, slows brain waves, and induces relaxation. Those most deeply involved in the meditation showed the greatest changes in brain structure.
This is accomplished as Meditation brings the brainwave pattern into an alpha state, which is a level of consciousness that promotes the healing state.
The researchers observed that the variability of beat-to-beat heart rate was directly affected by meditation. These results reveal that meditation can have a deep and very profound influence on the heart and its activity. If meditation is practiced regularly, these beneficial changes become relatively permanent.
One of many benefits of meditation is that it opens your mind to new ideas. What is more important is the acquisition of the purity and concentration of mind in moments of meditation. Purity of the mind achieved during meditation is essential to gain access to Higher Self.
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