How many examples of unhappy couples we can find in the world. The relations between men & women are as at war. At the beginning of their relations everything is very romantic and beautiful. But after sometime people start hating each other. I've never understood how it happens. I understand that relationships changes through time, the passion is going away, u can fall with somebody else. That I understand. But after 10-15 years of family life, it doesn't matter how many years u lived together, after all this beautiful relations - hating??? No. I don't understand. Hope - never will. I always thought in spite what bad u did to each other - if u wanna break - u should do this nice way, that's my rule.
So how to keep relationship? I'm young yet, but last time I started to remember my grandma's words. She always told me that being in a couple - I should be: 1. tolerant 2. smart 3. and respect the guy. So the same I expect from the guy. Being 16 years old i replied grandma that the guy should this and that: he should love me, he should adore me, help me, carry about me, etc. So I'm free, but the guy is oblige to me. That's the end of any relations. The most important thing - is to love by urself, cuz it's ur own feeling, and it makes u fly. To give, not to get - this the principal of happy couples. Very often couples can put themselves in scandals and arguing, but wherever happen - always watch ur words, what u say, what u do. Never let urself disrespect ur partner. And believe me, if he appriciate ur relations - he will save it. But in spite of guys say that they don't like clever girls - be smart, don't show it, and life shows that only smart girl can build strong and beautiful relations.
Any relations in the world - it's like a mirror, whatever u send to the world (to ur relations) - it'll be back for sure. So the only thing we should carry about - who we are and what we can give to the partner. We should build ourself, and when we gonna be ready - the partner will feel it and none of u will be able to stop this attraction ))
Thursday, 26 April 2007
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Wednesday, 25 April 2007
The beauty of life....
It's so beautiful to live when u can breath free, when u can do wherever u wish and nobody and nothing can stop u. U get some drops of this freedom... Couple months ago i felt as if my mind was going to blow! Too much stress at work, my boss all the time was bathering me, some troubles in relationships at work, not satisfied salary and office is very far away from home. So it made me down and depressed. I noticed that sometimes after work I wanted to drink couple cocktails. It's seems to me I was smoking non-stop. I opened the eyes in the morning and was realizing how much I don't want to go to work Until once I decided (and realized) I'M A FREE PERSON. I think it's Leonora Ruzvelt said "Nobody will disrespect u if u'll let him to do that". So I decided to change the job, and as soon as I said it to myself - I could breath free. I saw that the spring already came, that the trees already green. My God, being depressed I couldn't even notice that! And in spite I still work in the same place (up to 05/30/07) my eyes has been opened. Now I'm not afraid not to get the job. I'm free, free from fairs, I believe the God will give me the chance and opportunity to come in right time, in right place and to right people. That's it. U should never be tolerant if u understand objective reasons of ur bad mood and unsatisfaction. It concerns everything, not only job. To live free all the time we have to risk. So just do it to become happy.
I'm free. I'm happy...
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Labels: relax
Monday, 23 April 2007
Why English?..
I think some of my friends (Russian one) will be surprised why I wanted to use my own blog while I'm one of the author of much more beautiful and more colorful (and i guess more popular in nearest future) blog of my husband. But, let me start from the beginning...
I was 14 years old when my mom found me a private English teacher. I wanted to visit London a lot, but my knowledge in language were so power that i hardly could say what's my name. Usually at school teachers doesn't care how good u know language because it's a very hard work to teach somebody. So i started learning with one of the best private teachers. And did it for 5 years. Now, when i don't use English every day - i loose it, but thankful to my teacher, i'll never loose basic grammar. It helped me a lot - wherever I've been to - I could make friends. So now, through many years, when i haven't seen them for ages - i wanna get back our relationship. And also, it's a good practice for proving your skills )))
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The start
Hi guys. I'm not the only one who decided to open own blog, but i asked myself - why not? Well, being honest, the idea about that i took from my lovely husband, who did that first. I'm not sure that I will be able to attract many visitors here, so most likely I did it for my own satisfaction. As u could understand English is not my native language, so u can find here many mistakes i think. But I just really love English, the way it sounds and written. So for me it's such a pleasure to express my thoughts and feelings in English. So be tolerance for mistakes and don't punish me ) Let's start...
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